Badass Women Blog Series

Need some motivation? Check out these blog posts about badass women doing awesome badass things. And if you know a woman who amazes, inspires, motivates, encourages, or empowers other women, contact Weslie! She's always looking for new badass women to interview. Just email

Julie Kedzie is a writer and retired mixed martial artist.

interviews with badass women
by Weslie Ashe

Tina Cloud
Julie Kedzie is a writer and retired mixed martial artist.

Conflict Transformation Strategist who runs her own business, TLC Strategies
Badass woman

Jen Kelchner
Julie Kedzie is a writer and retired mixed martial artist.

Conscious Transformation & Strategy Leader who runs her own business, Leader 21
Badass woman

Kaleena Roseburr
Julie Kedzie is a writer and retired mixed martial artist.

Brand Designer and Strategist who runs her own business, K. Roseburr Design & Consulting
Badass woman

Julie Kedzie
Julie Kedzie is a writer and retired mixed martial artist.

Retired American mixed martial artist and writer of awe-inspiring words
Badass woman

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